The lake level is 572.53 and has dropped 2-inches in the last 24-hours. They stopped generating all night to get Newport down to the stupid 12-ft. level. It is now just over 13-feet. They at least could be at 14-feet but they changed how the 70% full level is measured. You do not expect much. You do not get much. They could do a lot of good if they would just drop it 2 or 3 feet and it would not hurt anything. The creeks are stained a little more than they were and I am not sure if it is due to the increased boat traffic for the extended Holiday or the rise in water temperature. We will have an algae bloom soon. I will go diving later and get you a full report of the water conditions. Bass, stripers and hybrids continue to be the best bite and the best time is early AM.