The lake level is 573.01 and has dropped 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours. Newport is at 12.5 feet and there is no reason to not generate. It is now down about 1-foot from it's high. We received a little over 1/2 inch of rain yesterday afternoon and it is really keeping everything green. It seems to rain just when we need it. The gardens are doing very well. It is not too wet here. The lake traffic has been heavy for several days now with the 4th coming in the middle of the week and people coming here on both sides of it. It should be back to normal tomorrow afternoon. The fishing continues to be the best in the early morning with a top water bite most days with bass coming up. After that the shakey head plastic worm is still the best bait shallow with the Bink's spoon best in the deep water for red meat fish. I had an 87 degree water temperature in Blackburns creek yesterday. The water has stained a bit with the boat traffic but should clear back up until the algae bloom. There is still some debris floating in the main lake but that should go away as the lake drops. Norfork is in general in good condition for boating and water sports and the fishing is fair. Some catfish have moved back in the creeks as the gar have left the creeks for the main lake. The Straatmans are catching some good ones on jugs with multiple hooks with live bluegill. This is a good time for a visit to the lake and Blackburns Resort where we will not charge you too much. We have an opening starting tomorrow. Come on down. The big pool with slide is nice.