Caught yesterday fishing with Bink. Big fish.
The lake level is 574.04 and has dropped 1-inch in the last 24-hours with a little more generation. The White River at Newport is now 13-feet and dropping quickly despite very little discharge. They will reach that magical number of 12-feet barring any big rains and should start dropping Norfork in a couple of days. At least they were able to keep it up high through the 4th. I went diving yesterday and the conditions were pretty good. The surface temperature was 84 degrees and the visibility was about 8-feet with cloudy skies. It would have been better with sunshine. The thermocline is still at 20-feet and has not changed for a couple of weeks. I still am not seeing very many fish but the ones thet I am seeing are good ones. Bink is really catching some good ones deep on his many shad spoon. He took out the Straatman crew and they had a good time and caught a lot of fish. Glad they went. Nice people and they are welcome here. Bink is one good fisherman. There is also a top water bite most days early for bass near the bank. Blackburns still has one cabin open. We fill up and then get a cancellation. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.