The lake level is 574.10 and rising very slowly with very little generation. They have dropped the White River at Newport to 14+ feet by not generating much and slowing the discharge rate there in an effort to keep everything high except Branson for the holiday. If it does not rain they will be able to reach the mythical 12 ft. level and start letting some water out. I had an 84 degree water temperature yesterday and the lake remains pretty clear for this time of year. Paul Ahrens reports catching some nice bass yesterday right on the bank on top water early. Bass fishing is probably the best right now but Bink is catching stripers and hybrids on his spoon. I am seeing just a few logs floating on the main lake but not very many. I would not advise being out after dark. The lake in general is in good condition and most resorts have no diminished services except launching but Panther Bay has good launching. Day use people are finding a shortage of campsites, trailer parking and swimming from the bank. All beaches are gone but you can stay at a resort with a pool. The lake was very busy yesterday and boaters are having a good time. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.