The lake level is 573.98 and is what it was at it's high a couple of weeks ago. It has risen 2-inches in the last 24-hours. They are generating Norfork very little and are still running Beaver and Table rock hard with spillway gates open and filling Bull Shoals. They have also dropped the White River at Newport to 17+ feet. We had a storm yesterday afternoon but I know of no damage and we received about 0.3 inches of rain. These are typical in late June and early July during the heat of the day. The lake continues to be in good condition with the clarity pretty good and the surface temperature in the early 80's. Bink is on the stripers and hybrids on his spoon and bass fishermen are doing well around main lake points on plastice worms just outside the buckbrush on the drop-offs. Crappie and bluegill are under docks. Some bass are coming up early. I am just seeing a few keeper walleye and do not know where they are. They must be suspended now where they usually on the bottom. I am just used to fishing brush piles and they are all too deep now. Blackburns still has the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals and your first normal sized boat stall is free, as are trolling motors on pontoons, all cabins have big covered porches with no duplexes and we have the biggest pool around.