The lake level is 573.82 and has risen 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with very little generation. Newport is 19+ feet and they are running Beaver lake and Table Rock generators as fast as they can with several spillway gates open filling Bull shoals. It holds a lot of water and it is going to take a long time to drop it. We are to get a whole week of sunny skies starting tomorrow. I went diving yesterday and conditions are pretty good with surface temperatures in the low 80's, visibility from 8-10 feet and the thermocline hanging in there at just over 20-feet. I am still having a hard time finding walleye but the ones I am finding are good ones. Small ones are under docks along with crappie and bluegill. Bluegill are everywhere as are small bass. Many species are still just outside the buckbrush just above the thermocline and can be caught on plastice worms with a very light worm weight hooked Texas rigged and weedless. There is still a top water bite some days for bass and stripers but most of the time they are in 60-ft. of water deep and can be caught on the 1-ounce Bink's many shad jigging spoon. Some schools of small stripers are shallow on shad and other baitfish. I am seeing no white bass like I usually do. The lake in general is in good condition for boating. Blackburns still has some openings and will not charge you too much. Come on down.