The lake level is 573.29 and has dropped 3-inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running continuously. They are holding Newport at 12+ feet. I went diving yesterday morning and this is what I found: There were a few logs floating in the lake but not very many. The water was 81+ degrees and had about the same visibility from the surface down to 30-feet with the thermocline at 20-feet. I could see about 10-feet away. It may have been just a little cloudier shallow but the sunshine made up for it. There was no mud line but there will be. I did not see a lot of fish but the ones I saw were from 15-18 feet just outside the buckbrush. I did not go below 30-feet. Walleye, bass and bluegill were the only kinds I saw. I did get one very nice walleye, about 5-lbs. for Gus for supper but let the rest go on by. My dock did have a huge school of crappie very shallow along with the bass, bluegill, carp and turtles. It is about 31 feet deep and I have trees hanging off it. One of our guests said there was a good top water bite early for bass. I love diving season but do not see how many I can get just how big. People fishing for stripers in 60-70 feet of water near the bottom should not act surprised when they all die after being caught. If they really care they would not fish for them that deep. The lake in general is in good condition and fishing is fair. Diving conditions are good but I am not seeing a lot of fish. Come on down to Blackburns. We will not charge you too much and have several boats to rent at the best prices and cabins start at $75/day.