The lake level is 572.14 and has risen a little over 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours. it drops a little when they generate and rising a little when they quit. They do not generate much. We have had beautiful weather but there is a chance of rain tonight and fair chances the rest of the week. We seem to get a rain everytime we need it but still have to irrigate a bit. I fished for a few minutes in blackburns creek after work and caught some pretty good bass. It has been so busy here there has not been too much time for fishing. The gar are moving in the creeks and slowing down the limb line fishing. I will need to move out closer to the mouths of creeks or in main lake cuts with trot lines. Bass are still part way back in creeks in the buckbrush near the old shoreline and I caught several on my grub and minnow. Some were smaller but a few were keepers. I released all of them but put a couple of them in the trophy pond. The lake stained up a little yesterday but it is very clear near the bank and you can see the bottom in about 8-feet and there are fish everywhere. There are many shad fry in the buckbrush holding game fish with some being very small and others about 3-inches long. Looks to be a good shad population this year even before the next spawn. Blackburns just had a big group leave and have some openings starting today. One bedrooms are still $75/day. If you must pay more give the difference to the disabled Veterans. We will not charge you too much here. Some places charging over $100/day do not even have pools or covered porches.