The lake level is 571.06 and has risen 2-inches in the last 24-hours with very little generation. They are still running Table rock as hard as they can with 5-spillway gates open and dropping it and keeping it normal. This is causing Bull shoals to fill quickly. They are also slowing the discharge on the White river at Newport and quickly lowereing the level there. It is now below 19-feet. The ground is not saturated here and I had to water the garden yesterday. Fishing has slowed a bit but some smaller stripers and fair sized hygbrids are being caught with some white bass. Some of these have already moved to deeper water at around 50-feet and can be caught on spoons. Bass continues to be the best bite now with many fish on the old shoreline behind the buckbrush. Crappie are scattered all over but remain somewhat near their normal brush piles. Bluegill are under docks and near willow trees on the main lake. Catfish have slowed on limb lines and jugs but some are being caught. I am using bluegill on limb lines but will give it a break until Tuesday. I am getting too much help running them now. Blackburns is full now with people taking advantage of the low cabin and boat rental prices and enjoying the big 30x60 refurbished swimming pool with slide. Things look good here so come and check it out before you leave from the weekend. We will not charge you too much. We have openings starting Monday.