The lake level is 566.59 and has risen 4-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with very little generation. The level is 1-ft. higher than last year at this time and fishing was excellent then too. The water in Blackburns creek is very clear and many fish of all different species are behind the buckbrush on the old shoreline and can be caught on creature baits, finesse worms, shakey head worms and other soft plastics. On cloudy days like today they will bite on top water lures all day. Many fish are being caught. I had a 70-degree water temperature at Blackburns dock yesterday. This is a good time for you bluegill fishermen. They are loaded up shallow under willow trees on both the main lake and creeks. Walleye are back on the campgrounds at Robinson Point and around the Island. Others are on the east side of Cranfield Island. Fish of all kinds are on the east side of cow point between there and the bridge. The big crappie have spawned and now most of the smaller ones. The schools are getting diluted with smaller fish with a lot of 10-11 inch fish being caught and many other smaller ones undersized. Lots of fish are on shad until the fry grows and move to cover. This is all normal. All bass fishermen are catching fish everyday. Trollers are also catching red meat fish. This is a good time and Blackburns has no diminished services and will not charge you too much.