Caught today fishing with Bink's Guide service.
The lake level is at 562.64 and has risen 2.63 feet in the last 24-hours. We have not received more than average rainfall for both months of March and April with below average in March. I am glad the spawn was almost over for most fish before the lake raise. At least the big ones. We have received about 2.6 inches of rain here in the last three days but areas of Missouri got a lot more. We had no severe weather here. The fact that it rains the last of April and May should not be a surprise to anyone unless the light does not shine very bright. Things are in pretty good shape here at blackburns and we are very busy. People love renting those full service 24-volt trolling motor, fiberglass bass boats. Few places have them and Blackburns has a lot of them and they are nearly all rented. Fishing contiues to be good with bass and crappie biting well and top-water red meat fish are coming up almost every day. Walleye are biting at night under lights. Blackburns has no diminished services so come on down. We will not charge you too much.