Norfork Lake fishing and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

James Soltysiac with a couple of nice ones. Image title

The lake level is 555.29 and has risen 3-inches in the last 24-hours. They completely quit generating last night. It was beautiful yesterday and again today with highs in the 70's but another low pressure is moving in tomorrow afternoon with some rain on the way.  This is the time of year when it rains about twice a week. So far we have avoided big ones and storms and the lake is in excellent condition with surface temperatures in the 60's depending where you are.  The creeks are clearing again and more fish are moving to the bank. The larger crappie have moved out from under my dock to spawn as have most bass. There is getting to be more top-water early but a lot of them are bass and white bass. Big stripers are still a little scarce and trollers are not catching very many. Bass fishing is still good and crappie are fair. Some big channel cats are being caught but you have to bait your lines after dark to keep the turtles and heron off them. Mushrooms are in full swing. Full moon is friday and our normal high is 67. Catfish do not like full moon. We are finishing putting new siding on the lodge, floors in #9, the mobil home, and resurfacing and painting the big pool and then that is enough for a while. Out of money.  We have a lot of customers but need more. Come on down.  We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free.