Caught and released yesterday.
The lake level is 554.78 and is exactly what it was at this time yesterday. They quit generating for about 6-hours but have started up one generator now. A stable level is very important to the spawn. The water is just outside the buck brush. The male crappie are on the bank and the females have blood lines in the eggs indicating they are about ready. Bass are on the bank making nests and many of the big females are still in cover or under docks. The full moon is the 19th this month and the striper spawn simulation should be over by then and they will start coming up early AM. The threadfin shad are photosensitive and will spawn near the full moon now that the water has warmed way past 60. They feed exclusively on plankton so fish wind blown banks. This looks to be a good top-water year especially for bass. I am not sure how many big stripers there are but Bink sure caught a big one yesterday. There are too many small ones in the 10-lb. range and smaller being killed. It is to cool down later this weekend and we will see what it does to the water temperature. The wind clouded up the creeks yesterday.