Caught yesterday and last night.
We received about 0.3 inches of rain late last night and early this morning and it is very cloudy now with more expected. It is to be in the 70's tomorrow and sunny with alternating days of possible rain and sunshine for the next week. I will check out my mushroom place today. It is about time. The night bite continues, crappie are fair, bass are good, catfish fair and walleye poor. Many fish are still in open water on shad but that is typical until they move to the bank to spawn and then the spawn moves to the brush for cover. The water level is just at the base of the buckbrush now is at 554.56 and rising slowly and is good for crappie spawn if it stays there. Drastic changes of level hurts the spawn more than anything now. They will move once or twice and then just give up and spawn in open water and not get fertilized. If it stays where it is now it will be good. Many crappie and bluegill have moved in under Blackburns dock now and that is a good sign. We should see a steady 60-degree water temperature later this week and that is where things happen. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.