The lake level is 554.54 and stable with one generator running for the last 24-hours. When they run one, the lake is stable, but it still rises when they quit with the river inflow. We will steadily rise if they nearly quit generating. We have not had much rain in the last several days and the ground is not saturated. It is sunny and nice today but the normal cold fronts come through a couple of times a week. The level at Newport is almost 21-feet now as predicted and they are reducing the discharge there every day. Just wait until April 15th gets here. They just slowed the chain of lake generation way down now and you can look for them to rise also except for Table rock which is protected because of Branson Landing. If we receive normal rainfall and a reasonable amount of generation, things will be stay good here. The bass fishing has slowed down in the last couple of days and there are few fish on the bank. The bluegill have not moved in under my dock yet and that is when the male bass start to stage for spawning season. White bass and hybrids continue to be the best bite early morning near the top. Cast the spoon to them when they come up and vertical jig when they go down. Fishing is good for a couple of hours in early morning and then they quit. And I mean quit. They do not start again until evening just at sunset. Despite reports to the contrary, I am not finding an after dark bite for stripers yet. Some are being caught at or after sunset but not many. Just a few crappie are with the red meat fish but not many. The fish that I am finding have moved shallower and are between 25-35 feet both morning and evening. I am still not finding a lot shad. There is one Blackburns resort brush pile holding several fish, but I do not know how long. The fish are roaming but stay in the same general area and you have to look for them. Get out early, take the middle of the day off, and go out again about 5:PM and stay until dark for best results. As I have said many times before, we need some warm nights to shake things loose. Overall fishing is just fair and the lake in general is in excellent condition and clearing. I cannot explain the changes in water clarity so rapidly except for the changes in generation and water flow. You would think the clearer water from the river would clean things up except when the lake is rising and washing mud from the bank, but that has not been so. All I can do is report what is happening but not explain why. The creeks are very stained one day and a couple of days later clear. Go figure.