Caught yesterday.
The lake level is 554.69 and is stable despite about 1/2 inch of rain total. There was little or no runoff. They are generating Norfork about 1/2 the time now and have reduced the discharge and level at Newport to just above 22-feet. This is predictable. They will really cut down by the 15th of April or before. The chain of lakes continue to generate heavily. Not much has changed as far as fishing is concerned. Bink is really on the hybrids and white bass and did catch a very nice walleye with them. Most of Blackburns guests are bass fishing and doing pretty good. A 6-lb. largemouth was caught yesterday. Stripers are not doing the best but the night bite has not started yet. It will very soon. The lake is still stained with the creeks more. Bass and white bass continue to be the best bite and spoons and Alabama rigs the best lures. Also try a crawdad colored crankbait. I will try for crappie in a couple of hours. It is very warm and looks like rain again.Come on down. We will not charge you too much. The last cabin will be ready tomorrow and just in time with several people getting out of the midwest floods and cold weather. It is busy here and we like it that way. If you are staying at a place that is nearly empty you are paying too much. Check prices. Stop by, we will give you a tour.