Larry Moody with a twofer on his Alabama Rig. Nice fellow.
John Bornhop fried up the last of his crappie fillets and is on the way to get more.
Caught on the 1/2 ounce spoon yesterday.
The Moodys caught some big ones too.
Roger Moody with another one.The lake level is 554.74 and has risen just a bit in the last 24-hours. They quit generating yesterday afternoon and nothing until just now when they started again. They are running the chain of lakes very heavily to protect Branson and the landing. The White River at Newport is at 23-feet and they continue to drop it slowly. Norfork drops a little when they generate and rises a little when they quit. It is very fortunate that we have received very little rain in the last several days and the ground is not saturated and we can take some with little adverse problems. Rain is in the forecast for part of the next week but not too much. A lot of cloudy skies but we have had that all winter except for the last week where it has been beautiful. Things look good here now but I would like to see the level lower now that spring is here and the rains normally come. A lot of fish were caught on Norfork yesterday with bass, white bass and hybrids leading the way and Crank baits, Alabama Rigs and spoons being the baits of choice. The water temperature is now in the early 50's depending on where you are and the lake has stained up a bit with the creeks very stained for some reason or another. Fishing overall is fair+ and the bluegill have not moved in under my dock yet. The lake is in excellent condition for fishing and at a good level. Come on down. We will not charge you too much here at Blackburns and the grass is growing and the trees and flowers are blooming. We are very fortunate to be in better shape than most of the country. Much better.