The lake level is 555.18 and has dropped 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours. They quit generating for a few hours last night and then started up one generator and now are running both again. They are holding Newport at 24-feet and running the chain of lakes very heavily. It is to rain today and again later this week and they usually quit generating when it rains for some reason. The magic date is April 15th when the regulated level at Newport drops to 14 feet unless we are at 50% flood storage and we do not qualify for that. We will see what they do, but you can be sure Norfork will get no special favors like Table Rock. I wish we were at 552, to say the least, to prepare for the spring rains but the lake is in excellent condition now and the level is perfect for launching, parking and fishing. The creeks stained up again and seem to do it on and off more regularly than usual but nothing is usual now except that Blackburns has the best place at the best price. We are finishing up on the dock improvements today and will focus on getting the cabins all started up. They sure look nice. Your first boat stall is free here unless you drag your own pontoon. We have 12 of them to rent and are limited on stalls. Our boat stalls vary in width from nine feet to 22-feet and are not one size fits all. The best stall is one that fits your boat. Fishing has not changed much and the water continues to be slow warming. It is hanging in there at about 50. I have not talked to the night fishermen to see how thay did. They were still out when I came in. The bass fishermen did well yesterday. The moon is big now and is full tomorrow. Bink is catching a lot of hybrids and white bass on his 1/2 ounce spoon. Dropping water and a full moon usually are not good for fishing but the stripers and bluegill like it. That is about all. No report on any keeper walleye being caught. I am not catching any. Crappie are fair on 30-ft. brush near the bottom on the spoon. Grass is green, trees and flowers are blooming and it is spring here at Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. One bedroom cabins are still $59/day. 800-635-0526