The lake level is 555.87 and has dropped 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running continuously. The surface temperature was 50 when I went out and 49 when I came in at dark. Our normal ambient high is 60 and we are to be right around that with very nice weather for the next week. Bass fishing is really picking up with the fish being part way back in the creeks near the bank. My biggest one was about 4-lbs with several smaller ones being caught on the grub. Bink says the wiggle wart is the best. The crappie started to bite about sunset and six nice ones were caught. No great big ones but all were keepers and about 11-inches. Only one was caught on the slip float and minnow. The wind was just right for fishing at about 5-10 miles/hour fron the north west and the sun was shining. The moon came up big and bright and is full the 21st or thursday. I will get my suspending stick bait out and stay a little longer after dark and see if any stripers move to the bank. It was nice to have it get dark after 8:PM and give more time to fish after work. The water is at a good level and clarity is good for fishing with the lake in general in excellent condition. I will let you knopw when the bluegill move into my dock. That is when everything starts to happen. It looks to be a good spring so far and reservations are really picking up with people taking advantage of our low prices on both cabins and boats. Why pay more? I am opening four more cabins today. We will be ready for you and not raise our prices.