The lake level is 556.26 and has dropped 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours despite it raining most of the day and getting about 0.7 inches. The creeks did not run. I like it when they generate when it rains instead of shutting them down. They still have 8-flood gates open along with the two generators but I do not know how long this will keep up with the flood waters coming from up north to the Mississippi river but it has been very good for us here on Norfork Lake so far with the lake dropping about 8-feet from its high. The White River at Newport has been kept at about 23 feet for a couple of weeks now but that will change for sure on April 15th when the regulations change. We are in good shape now but not where I would like it. The other news is that the redbuds burst into bloom yesterday afternoon in the rain and warm weather. They were not out in the morning and then all of a sudden in the evening the hillsides were alive with blooms. That is a good sign that spring is here but we will see. They have been fooled before.