The lake level is 559.34 and has dropped almost 8-inches in the last 24-hours. If they keep the generators and spillway gates the same it will keep dropping faster as the bowl gets smaller. We are to get some rain for the next few days and that may slow the drop down a bit. It has dried out a lot with wind and no rain and we can take some with no runoff. The lake is in good condition and the water is clearing. The full moon is the 21st. of this month and the stripers will start moving to the banks after dark to simulate a spawn no matter what the water temperature is and it is 44. Walleye will be on the same banks and can be caught with the same stick bait or soft plastic before dark on shadowy banks. Good places to start looking are north of Cranfield Island and by the dam. They go to the same places every year. The spring bite is sure but the November bite is not. One is for spawn and the other is just to feed before winter when the shad are on or near the bank. It is also almost time for the flatheads to move into the creeks and they will do this as soon as the water starts to warm. I will be able to tell as the small bluegill will move in under my dock in big numbers. This has not happened yet. Flatheads love bluegill and only bite on live bait or lures simulating live bait. We have been so busy making improvements and opening cabins for the spring that I only have time for a short daily fishing trip. Not much has changed as far as fishing goes but it will soon. Some bass and crappie are on brush but most fish are still in open water on shad. As the shad move to the bank to cover the other fish will be with them. Blackburns is getting several reservations each day now that the lake level is in good shape so now is the time to make reservations to get the cabin and boat of your choice. You can drive to the dock, launch your boat right there, park your trailer and have your boat in a covered stall free at our dock and step on our walkway with few or no steps. We have a good setup here and all at the best price. Compare before you waste your money. No duplexes here and all cabins have covered porches, ample parking and outside plug-ins.