The lake level is 561.85 and has dropped 7-inches in the last 24-hours. It has dropped 2.15 feet since they started generating and opened the gates a bit. The water surface temperature was 47 and the ambient temperature was 40 when I went out yesterday. It was supposed to get to 48 but struggled to get to 40. It did snow early this morning for about an hour and the ground is almost covered but not quite. You definitely cannot believe the long term weather forecast for this area. We just do not fit into any other place like Springfield or Harrison. The lakes and rivers have a big influence. It is to stay cold for a few days and then warm up. We will see what happens after that. I headed to the Pigeon Creek bridge where Bink said there were a lot of fish. There were a lot of shad there in the shallow water by the launch and bridge but all I could catch were white bass and small bass. The white bass were very full of eggs. Usually that is a good spring crappie place. The water is clearing nicely in both the creeks and main lake and the lake in general is in excellent condition. Fishing overall is maybe a little less than fair. Spooning brush in Blackburns creek produced a couple of bass and crappie but that was all. I saw one other boat out there. The wind was almost calm. The snow is melting fast on the warmer ground despite the cool temperatures. It did not amount to much.