The lake level is 563.26 and has risen four inches in the last 24-hours with very little generation. It was about 45 degrees and the wind was calm and the lake like glass when I went out yesterday and the fish were not biting. The surface temperature was 44 degrees and both main lake and creeks were very stained kind of an off green. You could see your lure down about 2-feet. I caught two bass and two crappie in three hours of fishing and none were of any big size. I am definitely off the giant crappie. I guess I will have to resort to fishing for white bass if it does not pick up. It is very cloudy today and trying to rain and that is to continue through Saturday with high pressure and wind moving through after that and then sunny days for a while with warm temperatures. It looks like Tuesday will be the best day for fishing. There was only one other boat out there and it was my rental pontoon with a nice family from Texas. Most of the fish that I am catching are from about 5:PM until dark with the middle of the day very slow. You have to be persistent because there will be nothing for a couple of hours and then they bite for about ten minutes. Blackburns continue their policy of continued improvement with no price increases and you will really like what you see when you get here. Compare prices. Most of our business is repeat customers and we do not want to charge anybody too much. Your first boat stall is free with your cabin and we do not charge for trolling motors on pontoons. All cabins have covered porches and there are no duplexes.