The lake level is 561.73 and has risen 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with only three hours of generation. They could drop it now if they were inclined to. They might now that Table Rock lake is at the top of the power pool. It is sunny and cool today with some rain scheduled for tomorrow afternoon and night. The new news is that the lake is really clearing up. The brown water is gone from the runoff and the creeks are stained just a bit green and just right for fishing. The water near the bank is very clear. I fished Blackburns Creek yesterday for a little while and caught two nice bass for the pond using the grub and minnow. Our normal high is 52 and we are to get near that later on this week. The lake in general is in good shape and the fishing is just fair. The moon is full tomorrow and was very bright last night. The sun came out yesterday afternoon and felt reall good even though the temperature was only near 40. Open water fishing is hit and miss but when feeding fish are found they bite fast. Crappie, bass and a few walleye are with the white bass on shad. Spoons and grubs are the best lures. The water surface temperature is still about 44 degrees depending where you check. Improvements continue at Blackburns everyday and will until my money runs out. Things are looking good.