The lake level is 554.08 and has dropped a little over an inch in the last 24-hours with the generators running about 1/2 the time. There is rain coming later this week and they usually quit generating when it rains for some reason. We need to be 6-feet lower by April. For some reason the lake is very stained green and the surface temperature was 47.4 yesterday evening. It is normally much clearer in February. Our normal ambient high is 48. Fishing was fair for me and I caught my normal bass and a few crappie. I talked to some red meat fishermen and they were finding fish in open water but having a hard time getting them to bite. It was the same for me fishing brush. The spoon was working best, next the grub and nothing on the slip float and minnow. Overall fishing has been at the best fair the last few days excepot for white bass and a few hybrids with them. Very few stripers are being caught. 75% of the fish that I am catching are biting between sunset and dark. Mike Eakle caught his in the early morning on a spoon on brush in 35-feet of water near the bottom in the Cranfield area. It was 78 degrees yesterday.