The lake level is 554.91 and rising with no generation and heading back to 555. If they cannot manage it in January they do not have a chance in the spring. Hold and hope is not a good strategy. The surface temperature dropped just a bit with the snow to about 45 degrees and should drop a little more as it melts. It should be about gone by tomorrow. The snow always clears the lake some. The wind blew itself out last evening and it is sunny with very light winds now. Good for grub fishing for bass. You can see the light bite with the line twitch. Diamond Bay, Float Creek and Big creek are good places. White Bass and small Hybrid continue to bite well on spoons in open water and the schools are scattered at different depths but many are from 101 bridge almost to Cranfeld Island. The fronts continue to move through often and fishing is reduced with the cold fronts. I am still looking for walleye but cannot find any. They usually move up river in February but that seems to be getting less and less each year with mostly small ones caught. I saw so many this summer diving that i know they are there but they do have a high mortality rate with very few keeper fish released. People prize them very much. I would like to see more stocked. You can talk about pressure cooking gar, using a scoring machine for carp and cutting the red meat off temperate bass but not much beats Norfork lake walleye and crappie. Kentucky Bass, Bluegill and flathead catfish come close but no cigar. Going out now to try and catch some more bass. See you out there. I will be wearing electric socks, electric gloves and an electric coat. Am not much for cold weather. I spent time in both Northern Maine and Minnesota and have had all of the Ice fishing, cross country skiing, snowmobiling and shoveling I want for a very long time. A very long time. I do like Norfork Lake winter Bass and crappie fishing though.