The lake level is 554.73 and has risen one inch in the last 24-hours after they quit generating for 16-hours. I thought it was too good to be true. They did start up again a few hours ago. We need to be about 6-feet lower going into the spring. Surface temperature was 47 when I went out yesterday and the wind was very light. i founf some more schooled fish on the way to my fishing spot and dropped a spoon hoping for a a walleye. No such luck, they were only small hybrids and white bass and not worth a picture. They were on the north side of the lake 1/2 way west of the Mallard Point docks in front of the cross. I did catch some nice bass on the brush on a spoon but crappie fishing has slowed for me a bit. I was catching big ones everyday but not now. One day on one day off. Big bluegill are biting pretty well though along with bass and white bass. The open water fishermen are finding red meat fish but are doing quite a bit of looking. There are many small hybrids (less than 7-lbs) and white bass being caught but few keepers. Not many boats out there.