Caught yesterday.
The lake level is 553.74 and still rising. Let some out boys. If you cannot manage it in the winter you do not have a chance in the spring. The hold and hope government. The main lake is getting very clear. Not as much as in the past but much more than lately. The white bass are easily caught and the meat hunters are killing many of them. A few smaller stripers and bass are with them. They seem to like the creeks now about 30-40 ft. down. Several striper fishermen are following the birds on the main lake. Crappie and bass fishing are the best for me now. Several people here at Blackburns are catching some pretty good fish. The weather has turned cooler and the surface temperature has dropped to just under 50. I am fishing brush in 22-28 foot about 20-ft. down with spoons. grubs and slip floats and minnows during the day. The fish are coming up shallow in the late afternoon between the bank and the brush. Several fish of most species are still on shad in open water. Blackburns is open all year.