The lake level has been pretty stable at just under 553 with very little generation. They are generating now. The main lake surface temperature is about 51 degrees with shallower creeks being cooler. You can see your lure down about 6-feet on the main lake. Binks came over to stock the store with his jigging spoons and said it was about time he gave me a refresher fishing lesson as I forget so easily and he keeps getting better so we went fishing. We spooned Blackburns Brush piles until dark and caught several fish but no big ones. We caught all kinds of bass, walleye, bluegill and crappie. All fish were released on site and we had a great time in the warm weather and yes he did catch more fish than me. I told him if he bragged about it anymore I was going to cancell sponsorship of his Radio Show "Live in the Boat" which is on KTLO 97.9 on Thursdays at 8:45 AM which I have done for 20-years. That shut him up on that but he sure is proud of his new Ranger fishing guide boat. He said his customers deserve the best. He fishes artificial bait only and does not troll around with a bunch of lines dragging live bait and hand you a pole when one gets on. You catch the fish yourself by casting or jigging and I enjoy that more. Much more. You can not go out for several days and catch nothing and then finally troll over a school of active fish, catch several and say they are in a frenzy and jumping in the boat. If you do many people will be unhappy with their results. Fishing has just been fair for me the last several days but I have been catching good fish every day. No giant ones though. Looks like rain again for the weekend. Nice again today. See you out there.