Caught fishing with Bink yesterday
The lake level is 552.61 and has dropped another 1/2 inch with some generation. The surface temperature is 56 degrees and the lake in general is in excellent condition. It is to start warming up today and to be in the 60's for tomorrow and through the weekend. We could get some rain on friday. The wind had shifted to the south when I went out yesterday afternoon and it did not get as cold as predicted. It is slow warming up today though but should get to just under 50. Fishing has been pretty good with bass the best followed by white bass and crappie. Spoons and grubs are working best as are finesse worms. I have been mostly bass fishing but will add a little crappie today. Bink is using both green grubs and spoons and is in his normal late fall big bass catching. He is very good at it. Tom Kelly also caught some good ones and is getting to be a good Norfork Lake bass fisherman. It is much more fun to me than trolling around for miles in open water with a bunch of poles with live bait and someone handing you a pole after a fish gets on. I can barely keep one pole from tangling up. I tease white bass fishermen by saying " white bass fishing is for people who cannot catch anything else and trout fishing is for people that cannot catch white bass." To each their own. I usually fish for what is biting the best but do like to try new things and techniques and stay a bit ahead of some. One thing that is fun for me is to see how many species of fish I can catch in a day. When I am on walleye and big crappie I do try and stay on them if I can. Walleye, crappie, bass and catfish are my favorites. I do enjoy fishing for red meat fish with Bink on artificial bait though. I do not have to run the boat and can just fish. It is fun to catch fish behind him. Other than that I prefer to fish alone with no pressure to catch fish. Fishing and Scuba diving are what I live for. We have a good setup here at Blackburns and the price is right. No surprises and no drama.