The lake level is 552.65 and has risen 1-inch in the last 24-hours with still no generation. We should be 4 or 5 feet lower to provide a buffer for spring rains. How many times does it take for the government to learn their lesson? This would be a good level for June 1st. It was cool and rainy yesterday but the fishing was pretty good. The white bass and a few hybrids were biting at about 7:30 AM and the crappie were biting in the afternoon and evening. I caught some very nice ones. The weather is beautiful today and highs are to be near 70 with sunny skies. I will be out there as soon as I can. It does not matter if the fish are biting or not. I always catch some. Some good fish are coming in everyday. Wish you were here. Surface temperature is still near 57.