The lake level is 552.58 and rising slightly with absolutely no generation. Let some out boys. The water is pretty clear near the bank but stained in open water except in the creeks where it is all stained green. There are lots of bait fish near the bank in the creeks. The surface water temperature is hanging in there at 57 degrees and the lake is in excellent condition for fishing. On these foggy mornings the white bass are moving in to the creek channels and feeding heavily early on spoons and are quite easily caught. I will show you where when you get here. Mike Eakle and James Soltysiac are catching them every day. There are some nice bass with them. Many bass are still in open water on shad as are crappie but a few crappie can be caught on most good brush piles in 25-ft. of water 15-ft. down. If you move just off the brush they are not there. This year I will put in new brush piles as it is getting harder to fish my own with so many moochers out there. I had to go to three places until I found one of mine with no boat on it. They can get a permit to put there own in at the Corps office in January. Fortunately I have 28-acres of cedar forrest so I can cut off my own property and drag to the launch. The weather has been great for fishing with just a bit of rain for today and then good after that. The crappie are still biting from about 4:30 until dark every afternoon and then at dark they completey quit. I am catching several everyday along with bass and bluegill and an occassional catfish. My favorite time of year for fishing. Low boat traffic, no severe weather and fish biting. Come on down. We will not charge you too much, put you in a duplex with no covered porch, charge you for your first boat stall or trolling motors on fishing pontoons.