After we got through that one cold spell the winter has been very mild. We have been able to get a lot of outside work and painting done. Things are looking good. We have several guests in and are glad about that. Gus and I got our Brush permits from the Corps of Engineers yesterday and we will have some good brush piles for you to fish this year. I did not see any other resort owners at the meeting. The brush piles in front of the green signs have not been maintained for several years and are old and not very productive. We will show you where Blackburns are located when you get here. More people are looking for brush that is put in by someone else so I have to continue looking for new places. It is hard work but we do not mind. I suggested an adopt a brush pile program for the ones in front of the blue signs but cannot get anyone to go along with it. They are mostly in good places. The lake level is is 550.44 and is dropping just a bit with with a few hours of heavy generation in the morning and evening. It is higher than they usually keep it for this time of year but is at a good level. The surface temperature is about 46 degrees. I was fishing for bass and crappie last evening and spotted a school of fish under shad on the way in and caught several of them on a 1/2 Ounce Bink’s Spoon in 40-feet of water near the bottom on the old river channel near Cranfield. Most Striper Fishermen are Coveyed up between the bridges in front of Henderson Marina or on the river channel north. I do not like crowds and find my own fish. I have not seen any big ones (30-lbs and up) caught lately but a lot of Hybrids and 3-lb. White bass. The White bass I caught were full of eggs with blood in them, Spawn cannot be far away. This has been a good winter for Hybrid Stripers, White Bass and 8-lb. Stripers. Crappie fishing is fair with bigs ones being caught and bass fishing is excellent. I love catching 3-lb. Kentucky bass and have caught several of them. Both Crappie and Bass are moving inside of brush closer to the bank near the bottom in the evenings and also over 25-ft. brush 9-ft. down during the day. Come on down. There are no price increases this year again and we will not charge you too much. 1-800-635-0526