It was a beautiful day yesterday with highs in the 60's, sunny and light wind. The surface temperature was still about 59 degrees. The creeks seem to go from clear to stained green in one day and then back again. The lake level is 552.55 and creeping up with only one hour of running one generator in a 24-hour period. I went bass fishing from about 3:PM until dark and they were biting pretty well. Caught 8 with one crappie and a couple of bluegill for the pond. They were both near the bank and on 30-ft. brush. Smallmouth were on the brush. They were biting a small Bink's spoon on the brush and creature baits on the bank. It was nice to be out and much better than today with cloudy skies with highs in the 40's. It is to be steadily getting warmer with close to 60 for Thankgiving. The moon is getting big and will be full on Thanksgiving day. Bluegill and red meat fish like this but the rest of the fish do not. We will see what happens. Night bite for stripers is slow but the early morning bite is best if you can find the scattered shad schools. It is feast or faimine some go a couple of days and find none and then get a bunch. White bass are easily caught but I do not count them. Bass bite is best and crappie have slowed a bit. Blackburns still has one cabin open so come on down. We will not charge you too much or make you stay in a duplex.