The lake level is 551.67 and has risen 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with 2-hours of generation and almost 2-inches of rain. It was warm and rainy and is now cold and rainy. The wind is from the north. It is to be in the 60's and sunny by Saturday. Blackburns has several fishermen in and it was not very good weather for them yesterday and is worse today. The main lake is clearing and the surface temperature is dropping and is now in the mid 60's. The creeks seem to change from clear to stained daily. People are catching bass, crappie, catfish and white bass with a hybrid thown in every one in a while. I personally am catching fish part way back in the creeks during the day and am moving to the main lake steep banks at sunset. Tom Kelly is catching a lot of fish in Float Creek. I am using the 1/8th ounce Bink's spoon, minnow on slip float, and small grub and minnow exclusively and catching fish every day. It is not great but you can catch some. About one in four bass are keepers and just recently throw back crappie are showing up. Just a few days before they were all 11-inches or better. Again, about one in four are very large. I do not know if the stripers will show up at dark in the Cranfield area this fall but will keep checking. I usually fish for walleye on shadowy banks before sunset and switch from a soft plastic to a stick bait just before dark. I have not caught a walleye in about two weeks. That is the thing about Norfork Lake. It changes constantly and that is why a week old fishing report is no good. The last few days has shown why a covered porch on your cabin is very important and all of Blackburns cabins have them. Duplexes are intimate. Too intimate for me. We have none of them. Paying for your first boat stall is a non-starter for most. Your's is free here. The new ice company has raised prices 55 cents a bag and added on a delivery charge. Not good. Wish the old one was back. There is room for another ice company in this area.