The lake level is 551.29 and rising very slowly with no generation. The worthless mimimum flow is letting out about as much as is coming in from the river. The one inch of rain we received Friday was needed and is keeping everything green. We are still mowing the yard every week. There is a little bit of fall foliage change but not much. We usually get what is called a false peak around the 20th of October and then a peak the very last part but not this year. I do not know if it will happen this year or not. It was a bust last year. The leaves on my maple tree are usually brilliant red but are just turning brown and starting to fall. When I went out yesterday it was very sunny and nice but the wind was blowing hard with pretty big white caps on the main lake. I tried bass fishing and only caught small ones so I drifted over a brush pile and caught a couple of crappie and came in. One was very large. The wind started to diminish a little after 5:Pm when I was already in. The wind was from the north west and I know where I will try tomorrow. I am using the grub a lot now. Brush in 25-ft. of water is holding fish. Shallower not so much.