The lake level is 551.17 and rising very slowly with no generation. It is raining now but should be nice for the rest of the weekend. I went out about 3:pm yesterday and checked out some new places. I will be able to fish places that were camped on now that the brush pile moochers are gone and so will Blackburns customers. Do they not have crappie in Kansas? I went to the first place and caught one crappie, a bass and several large bluegill. Left there and moved to brush just around a main lake point and found big ones. I caught several and released all but the two biggest ones for the pond. Pictures to follow. The numbers of fish on the brush are increasing daily. That is a good sign. I used both the Bink's spoon and grub and minnow and caught about equal amounts on both. It was too windy for slip float fishing. Will try to get in a little fishing in between showers today. Very busy here now with people taking advantage of our low prices on boats and cabins and a free boat stall. Several boats are rented and we have just a few cabins open. That is the way we like it. All of the money goes for improvements on the resort. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.