The crappie on the right was over 16-inches and caught by the Clements clan. Nice people. With all of the fish coming in it is good we have two fish cleaning stations. No waiting.
The lake level is 551.14 and is dropping a little less than one inch in a 24-hour period with several hours of running one generator. The surface temperature is a little over 71 degrees in the main lake and lower in the shallow creeks. If you are heading north by Cranfield Island do not cut through the inside. It is shallow and if you do not know the narrow path you will damage your prop or lower unit. Many do every year. I put my scuba equipment away for the season and it was a sad day. It was one of the better seasons for diving in recent years and I did get several very nice walleye. Not much else though. I can deal with the 71 degree water but it just has been too cold when I get out. I would have kept going if the walleye had moved to the 20-ft. brush on the main lake as they usually do in October but they did not. Pole fishing is easier anyway. I went bass fishing with a plastic worm and caught several fish but many were small. About one in five were keepers with all three species represented. I did see some crappie coming up shallow in the evening and that is a good sign. There were also several smaller ones on the brush indicating that more are moving in to the brush from the open water. I have no way to confirm this without diving but it looks like the lake is starting to turn. You can see your bait down about 6-feet. It was more. Looks to be a beautiful day again today, a chance of rain Friday and then good weather for the weekend. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. No sense staying in a duplex with no covered porch, paying for boat stalls and paying more unless you just have too much money. If you do please donate to disabled Veterans instead. We do have 150 Meg internet. It costs a lot but the customers are happy with it.