Tom Kelly with some nice big hybrids.
The lake level is 551.32 and has risen about 1-inch in the lsat 24-hours. The surface temperature was 74 when I came in last evening. It is to be only 48-degrees out today and the normal high is 72. Not much is happening with fall foliage. The creeks are turning green. It is to warm up to the 60's and be pretty nice for the weekend. The wind has been light. I am not ready for the cold weather but it is making some people happy. I just do not like to give up diving. Please do not complain when it gets cold. I will do that. Plastic worms are working for bass, minnows on slip floats and 1/8th ounce Bink's spoons for crappie and 3/4 ounce spoons for open water fish. Blackburns still have cabins for $59/day with a free boat stall. We will not charge you too much. Our brush piles are in play now and we will show you where they are when you get here if we can get the moochers off them. I have some new ones if mine get too crowded. They sure do hold fish and we put them in for you.