Norfork Lake fishing and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

Caught yesterday on the Bink's spoon.Image title

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The lake level is 551.29 and has risen one inch in the last 24-hours with 1.3 inches of rain last night. They generated about 5-hours. Surface temperature has dropped to 78 degrees and the ambient high is to be 70 degrees today and cooler tomorrow with highs in the mis 60's and lows in the high 40's for several days. people that wanted cooler temperatures are getting them. I went pole fishing yesterday afternoon and caught some very nice crappie. They are still in 25-ft. brush on the main lake. I am alternating between spoons and minnows. Worm fishermen are catching some bass on main lake drop-offs and walleye are coming out of deep water with the stripers. Not much has changed yet. I will go diving again and check things out to see if the walleye are starting to move in.  Lake is in excellent condition and at a good level. It is still summer fishing for a while.