The lake level is stable but the water surface temperature is dropping. It is about 80 degrees on the main lake. I hope the water is clearing and I will give it a try diving soon. When I went out today it was very cloudy and the winds were light. They had been coming from the east. I tried a different place today to see if I could find the larger crappie. I did. I caught 9 in one hour with some very nice ones. It is too early to predict a pattern but Blackburns Brush piles are definitely holding more fish than last week. We work hard to have good fishing spots for you all winter and they are paying off now. I wish more resort owners would do so then we all could catch fish instead of using other people's work. I will help them if they want. You will not see a dock floor of dead fish here. We keep only what we eat. It was a nice day. Most watch football and I have the lake to myself. I give my fish away.