The lake level is 551.78 and the same for 24-hours with almost no generation. So much for the heavy rain forecasts and flash floods. We received about 1.1 inches of rain for the whole weekend and it was just enough to keep everything green. It is to get warm again early next week with highs near 80. It is very cloudy again today and a little warmer. It was 60 when I went out fishing yesterday and I wore a sweatshirt for the first time in several months.A lot of people are happy summer is over but not me. I can go swimming in the lake, swimming in the pool, scuba diving or watch the Cardinals in air conditioning. All of those will be over soon. I fish all winter but quit when there is ice in the eyelets. You cannot set you drag right and lose big fish. There was a light wind from the east and it was very cloudy and cool. I do not go out once and catch fish and declair fish are in a pattern. I went to the same brush as I did yesterday where I caugh a few bass and crappie and caught fish a fast as i could bring them in for one hour. The crappie were not big but ranged from 11-inches (most of them) to a couple in the 13-inch range. I caught my limit and came back in. It took one hour and was really fun. They were on brush that was 27-feet deep and the fish were just over it and 20-feet suspended. I was just lucky and happened to find fish feeding and roaming. I give 1/2 of them to a friend fishing off the dock and took the rest to Tom Kelly's trophy pond. It should be ready for heavy fishing starting now. I will try again this afternood after the game. Baseball game, no football for me. Surface temperature was 81+ on the main lake.