The lake level is 552.10 and has dropped one inch in the last 24-hours. Surface temperature is 88 degrees and the lake is somewhat stained green. I went diving yesterday after taking the holiday off and the conditions are not any better. The visibility is fair down to 21-feet and very cloudy lower then that. I only saw Kentucky bass in the shallower water. I will go to pole fishing today and check things out and try diving again next week. I like fall diving but the water needs to cool to help the clarity. Striper fishing has slowed a bit and bass fishing has picked up. Some walleye are on main lake points on brush at 27-34 feet. Many others are still in open water deeper with the red meat fish. It is still very busy here with people taking advantage of the low winter rates and low cost boat rentals. You can get a one bedroom cabin for $59 here now and get a free boat stall. Trolling motors are free with pontoon rentals and all cabins are individual with no duplexes and have big covered porches. We have 150 Meg internet and reaches all cabins. The big pool is still open and has a slide. The pavillion has ping pong and shuffleboard. The game room has been remodeled. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. Blackburns is your fall foliage headquarters for Norfork lake and Northern Arkansas. Peak is usually the very last of October. Be glad to have you. We are in the Ozark Mountain Region.