I went diving yesterday and things are changing. The lake level is not changing and is 552.38 with about 2-hours of generation in the evening. Surface temperature was 83 degrees. The creeks are still a little green but clearing a bit. As I decended in the water I could see pretty good down to 21-feet and then a little less down to the thermocline at 30-feet and cold and clearer after that. The no visibility mud line between the clearer water and the thermocline was almost gone. Most of the fish were in the 27-ft. range on brush. There were many Kentucky bass from 12-15 inches long and a few walleye and bluegill but not much else. I could see about 5-ft. distant and that was much better. I got a couple of walleye, not too big , in the 19-inch range, and that was all. No catfish or crappie. The water was very nice. Should be a good fall for diving especially if it clears a bit more. I saw two other boats on the whole lake from Mallard point to Robinson Island. Peace and quiet at Blackburns resort and boat rental and the lake. We still have two cabins open for Labor day. We have the best prices on both cabins and rental boats, a free boat stall comes with each cabin and all have covered porches with no duplexes. trolling motors on pontoons are included in the price. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 so you do not have to pay too much elsewhere. It is to warm up to the low 90's again this weekend and into next week. Off-season rates start after labor day and you can get a cabin for $59/day. Best prices anywhere. Wildlife is abundant. The children love feeding the fish and turtles off the dock. So do I.