The lake level is 552.40 and has dropped just a little in the last 24-hours with some generation. We received about 1/2 inch of additional rainfall yesterday afternoon but no storms. We have been able to dodge them all year so far. This is the wettest August that I can remember since 2007. Maybe we are out of the pattern for rain every afternoon for now. It is to be nice for a few days and then hot again for the weekend. The lake surface temperature is hanging in there in the low 80's and the nights are cooler now. Red meat fish are still the best bite with bass second. Some catfish are coming in. I am going diving now and will report on the water conditions. Visibility needed to get better and maybe it has. We will see. If not I will take another few days off and go pole fishing. Most of the stripers being killed are small and in the 8-12 pound range. Remember the possession limit is just twice the daily limit which is three. Let these little guys grow. Spoons are the best lure now.