It is very warm and cloudy today. We are starting to get fog in the mornings as we always do in the last part of August. This will continue into the fall. It burns off with the sun. We have received over 1-1/2 inches of rain in the last few days and everything is very green. The lake level is 552.36 and has dropped an inch in the last 24-hours with a little more generation. The lake looks clear from the surface but is not when you get down there. I will go diving again soon and check it out. Took a few days off to let it clear a bit and hope the visibility clears after the algae bloom. The conditions look good for the upcoming Labor Day weekend so far. After that the jet skis go home and the fishermen take over not to mention the prices go way down. You can then get a one bedroom cabin for $59/day with a free boat stall. September is a very busy month here at Blackburns with people taking advantage of the low prices and cooler weather. Lake traffic drops drastically and there is peace and quiet here.