The lake level is 552.42 and stable with only two hours of generation a day.The syrface temperature is 84 degrees and the main lake seems to be clearing a bit. Creeks are still stained. The thermocline is at 27 feet. It has been cloudy for a few days and the visibility has been poor for diving so I went pole fishing. It is much easier anyway. The fish were coming up in the Cranfield area for a long time in the morning. White bass and bass mostly and some of the bass were big. All top water lures were working. I caught bass and bluegill for the trophy pond and put in a bucket full. Crappie fishing is slow. Red meat fishing has been the best for sometime with walleye behind that. There are a lot of shad and people are killing too many small stripers. If you catch them on top water let them go. They do not dress out very well anyway. The lake in general is in excellent condition and is at a good level for fishing, boating and water sports. Boat traffic is way down until Labor day and good for kayaking. One more busy holiday and then the fishermen can take over.