Norfork Lake fishing and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

Caught yesterday.Image title

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The lake level is 553.32 and has dropped over 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with several hours of generation in the afternoon. People are still catching top-water fish around Cranfield Island in the early AM. It is getting warm again and is to be in the low 90's for a few days. Welcome to August in Arkansas. If it is a surprise the light does not shine very bright. I like this level and Blackburns brush piles are in perfect condition for the fall fishing. We work hard putting them in in the winter. I am fortunate to have 28 acres of timber to cut to put in the lake. I will show you where they are when you get here. Surface temperature is still around 87 degrees and is perfect to boating and water sports.