The lake level is 553.46 and has dropped 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours. I mentioned the visibility had dropped significantly in the last couple of days as it usually does in August. When I went diving yesterday it was worse and it was more obvious that it was the normal algae bloom. It has not maxed out yet. The algae blooms and a flocculant is formed and agglomerates and drops out. These floc absorb the light and reduce visibility. It will get worse before it gets better and then will be fine again after the bloom is over and all is settled out. Sometimes it gets a couple of inches deep on the bottom. The visibility is OK down to 20-feet and again in 30+ feet in the cold water but most of the fish are in the 27-foot range. The surface temperature has dropped a bit and is in the 87 range. Fish are coming up in the Cranfield area every morning and are all kinds of red meat fish but not very big. Any kind of top water bait is working and the spoon after they go dow. Trolling umbrellas is also working. This year has not been abnormal but the schooled fish on shad have not gone as deep as usual and have been staying in the oxygenated area. Lots of shad and other bait fish. It is disheartning to see people posting pictures of dock floors full of dead 6-8 pound baby stripers. They grow so fast and pull hard. I say drop the daily limit to two.