The Hardings from Okeene, Oklamoma had a good day fishing with Bink. Glad to have them here. Nice people.
The lake level is 553.58 and has dropped a little over 1-inch in the last 24-hours with just a few hours of generation in the afternoon. The White River at Newport is at 3.3 feet and is about to dry up as is the Buffalo. We have received a little rain this last few days and it is just enough to keep everything green. I went diving yesterday in the Robinson Point area and the visibility has deterioated a bunch. I will have to try a differen place that is more rocky. The clarity is ok from 0-20 feet and goes downhill from there until you get into the very cold water at 30-feet. The thermocline is at about 27-feet and the fish are mostly in the 25-28 ft. area. I could only find a brush pile when I ran into it. Bink is still on the temperate bass and I may have to go back to pole fishing if the clarity does not change. The surface temperature of the lake has dropped to the mid to high 80's and the creeks will drop faster than the main lake. The creeks are very stained. Terry Sims reports catching a lot of bass and white bass. Glad to have him and his family here. They are the best.